our wine travel bag in gambero rosso & winestate

we are super happy that our wine travel bag featured in gambero rosso, the super influencial italian monthly on food and wine as well as winestate, australia's premier wine buying guide.  you can see a pdf of their feature right here.

this project started in venice on new years eve 2007 when i had a long talk with a wine shop owner and i asked him what he was doing to help clients like myself to bring back wine bottles in their suitcase.  basically, the poor guy had nothing to offer and he bitterly complained that this crazy liquid restriction was indeed killing his "tourist" business.

and so, it got me thinking.  i wanted to design something at an affordable price - read cheap - that was 100% hermetic, and totally shock proof.  so, i thought, it must be inflatable, it must be zippable, and it must be compact to carry and easy to use.

a few months later, i met a factory in china and i came up with our travel bag.

100% hermetic, inflatable, re-usable, compact, and user friendly.

since, i have used it extensively, even bringing back 8 bottles inside a suitaces all the way from italy via chicago and los angeles - yes, i have a lot of miles on my record.

the bag is now available by internet at a "sister" website that we have designed to make it easy to buy. check it out at: www.grandepassionecollection.com

perfect for your next trip to wine country!