donating my "wines of chile" class fee to the chilean earthquake appeal

as freaky as it may sound, last saturday after noon in hong kong, i started a class on chilean wines at exactly the very same moment the earthquake rocked and rattled beautiful chile (3h30 in chile, 14h30 in hong kong).  it gives me goosebumps...

and so, in solidarity with the people involved with the wines of chile, i will donate my fee to the chilean earthquake appeal.

jancis robinson has more information on her website on how to donate and i copy here the exact message sent to her by the director of wines of chile in the uk:

Michael Cox, director of Wines of Chile in the UK, sends this information about how to contribute to the Chliean earthquake appeal:

Following on from my email of 28 Feb about the earthquake in Chile , I have news from the Chilean Ambassador in London that the Embassy has set up a bank account to receive donations to aid the Earthquake Appeal Fund. Details are below and attached (pdf).

As I mentioned in my statement, it is hoped that there will also be fund set up by Wines of Chile specifically to help those in the Chilean wine business directly affected by the tragedy, but until this is organised, and in case anyone wants to donate, the Embassy appeal will channel money to the most appropriate areas of need in Chile.

We await more substantial news on how the earthquake has affected the wine regions, and the Wines of Chile office in Santiago will issue a further statement soon. In the meantime, we appreciate the messages of sympathy and support and these are being passed on to Chile.

Chilean Earthquake Appeal
142 Brompton Road, London, SW3 1HY

Account Nº 01010982
Sort Code: 23-47-36
(if needed) IBAN: GB46BBVA23473601010982