My New Study Guide - Sweet Wine Profile Table

Following my study guide on major grape varieties, here I would like to share a guide on Sweet Wines: (pdf document in dropbox folder).

This unique table is now its 2nd edition. It lists the major sweet wine styles found around the world. For each, it describes typical grapes, structure, production methods & sugar levels. 

A tool to memorize and use alongside tastings to help imprint the distinctive character of each style.

It was built using references from the well respected publications below as well as with some adjustments from the experience of my own wine tastings:

- Jancis Robinson, The Oxford Companion to Wine:
- Tom Stevenson, the Sotheby's wine encyclopedia:
- Vincent Gasnier, how to choose wine:
- the international wine review june 2011:

& various websites of some of the best producers in each region...

I hope you find it useful for your studies...

As ever, this is a work in progress and so, if you find that an amendment is required, please do not hesitate to let me know...